viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2019

The Stable Instability of People with Borderline Personality Disorder.

Jaime Senabre
University of Alicante.


If something characterizes the Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is its diagnostic complexity, its comorbidity with other types of conditions and its high ignorance on the part of many health professionals, in general, and mental health, in particular. To understand the BPD, on many occasions, we are going to have to go back to childhood and early adolescence.In this review of the subject we will try to put some light on this type of psychopathology; a necessary light, not so much for the professional as for the hidden victim of this ailment, the great protagonist; not because of its stigma of illness, but becauseof its degree of vulnerability and widespread instability. We will try to outline a characteristic profile of the borderline personality based on the "background" and "consequences" of the individual. Also, we will glimpse some aspects such as comorbidity, which can make diagnosis difficult. We will distinguish the different types of BPD and give a few strokes on the Therapeutic approach, based on: self-observation, self-care, psychoeducation, intermediate evaluations, emotion management and coping techniques, written expression and psychoeducation have given the best results with this type of patients. At last, we emphasize the importance of self-care of the mental health professional.

 Keywords: Borderline personality disorder, Mental health, Therapeutic approach, Comorbidity, Suicide.

Citation: Senabre J. (2019). The stable instability of people with borderline personality disorder. Edelweiss Psyi Open Access 3: 29-31.


martes, 25 de junio de 2019

La percepción social de los riesgos naturales en la provincia de Alicante: un análisis comparativo.

Jaime Senabre
Director de SINIF
Universidad de Alicante.
Los riesgos naturales son procesos naturales que pueden tener su función en la Naturaleza, pero que cuando se manifiestan tienen un impacto directo sobre las sociedades y sobre el medioambiente. En este estudio planteamos un análisis comparativo entre dos muestras distintas de población de la provincia de Alicante (España) sobre la percepción social de los riesgos naturales. Los datos han sido obtenidos mediante la adaptación del mismo instrumento de medida, pero tomados en dos periodos temporales distintos, 2012 (Ramos, R., Olcina, J. y Molina, S., 2014) y 2017 (Senabre, J.). Los resultados señalan que en la sociedad alicantina ha aumentado la percepción de amenaza de los peligros naturales y que ésta percibe de manera más pesimista la evolución del impacto de los fenómenos naturales. Las principales amenazas percibidas (incendios forestales, sequía, desertificación, temperaturas extremas e inundaciones) se mantienen en ambos estudios, aunque se han producido cambios significativos en el nivel de importancia que la sociedad le da cada uno de ellos. Los datos también indican que la sociedad alicantina ha recibido más información sobre este tipo de riesgos en estos últimos años. Los estudios sobre percepción del riesgo son una buena herramienta para la mejora en la gestión de los riesgos y para el desarrollo de políticas ambientales adecuadas a cada territorio concreto.

Cita: Senabre Pastor, Jaime Andrés. “La percepción social de los riesgos naturales en la provincia de Alicante: un análisis comparativo”. En: Cutillas Orgilés, Ernesto (ed.). La multiplicidad de enfoques en humanidades. Actas de las VIII Jornadas de Investigación de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Alicante (Alicante, 3 y 4 de mayo de 2018). Alicante: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Alicante, 2019. ISBN 978-84-949173-2-5, pp. 251-261

lunes, 11 de marzo de 2019

The mitigation of the effects of climate change and global warming through the prevention and early extinction of forest fires.

Jaime Senabre

Director of SINIF.
University of Alicante, Spain.

The Planet is immersed in an ecological crisis. To a large extent, human behavior has been aggravating the deterioration of the environment. Fire is a natural ecological factor that acts as a regulating agent of vegetation and landscape shaper. However, forest fires have gone from being a tool for survival to becoming an environmental problem that doesn ́t understand borders and that affects all the components of the environment (atmosphere, vegetation, fauna, soil and water) and that requires an integral approach, both locally and globally. The forest is a source of wealth that must be protected, conserved, revalued and improved productivity. Forest fires are a source of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere that are dangerous and pose a significant threat, since they can degrade the air that is breathed at unhealthy levels, mainly in geographic areas near the site of the forest fire, but also in others distant, since these pollutants, invisible to the human eye, can travel thousands of kilometers driven by the wind. In this paper, we emphasize the importance of pollutant emissions from forest fires, since these may be influencing global warming and climate change. Likewise, we propose a series of basic actions that serve as a starting point to establish an Integral Plan for the Prevention of Forest Fires and that include: the early extinction of the fire (to reduce to the maximum the burnt surface and the polluting emissions), management of the forest (including: preventive forestry, limited use of fire, promotion of grazing, regularization of activities and productivity of forest resources), mosaic landscape design (which seeks the fragmentation of the territory), urban planning (which minimizes the risks in the forest urban interface), greater professionalization and coordination of emergency services (especially forest firefighters), the promotion of self-protection (individual and collective) and, finally, education (to increase environmental awareness and proactive behavior). In short, we are aware that fire has an ecological role and that its suppression is impossible, but we must focus on those actions that contribute least to the global deterioration of the Planet.

Citation: Senabre, J. (2019). The mitigation of the effects of climate change and global warming through the prevention and early extinction of forest fires. Journal of Expert Opnion on Environmental Biology.. ISSN: 2325-9655. Volume 8. 3rd. World Summit on Climate Change and Global Warming. Prague, Czech Republic. Book of abstracts. pp53. DOI: 10.4172/2325-9655-C1-045

miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2019

The experience of trauma in forest firefighters through indirect exposure.

Jaime Senabre

Director of SINIF.
University of Alicante, Spain.

One of the characteristics of work in the extinction of forest fires is the exposure of forest firefighters to situations that require a great demand of personal resources, both physical and psychological, which is an important source of stress for these professionals. On occasion, forest firefighters face critical situations that can be a traumatic experience capable of generating deep discomfort, both individually and collectively. This type of negative events can cause invisible emotional scars, difficult to erase and complex approach. Now, we know that an inadequate management of empathy towards victims can facilitate the initiation of a process of secondary traumatic stress in firefighters, due to emotional contagion. This paper deals with indirect exposure to trauma through the indiscriminate consumption of images and traumatic stories offered by the media (press and TV) or social networks. Our research team was able to observe how Forest Fire Brigades, which participated as Control Group in a study on emotional impact in forest firefighters after a forest fire in Spain with fatalities, manifested post-traumatic symptomatology, almost at the same level as those firefighters who participated directly in the works of extinction of that fire. The conclusions indicate that indirect exposure to trauma, uncontrolled empathy towards victims, and social or professional identification with victims may have (both in emergency professionals and in the general population) emotional consequences, similar to those produced in the direct victims of the fire, as well as a latent predisposition to manifest maladaptive behaviors before similar situations or that remember the lived experience.Finally, guidelines are offered on "what to do" to avoid emotional contagion due to indirect exposure to trauma, such as, for example, a dosed and unrepeated consumption of news and images with a heavy dramatic load.

 ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Psychol Psychother

 Citation: Senabre, J. (2018). The experience of trauma in forest firefighters through indirect exposure. Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy. ISSN: 2161-0487. Volume 8. World Summit on Stress, Mindfulness and Philosophy. Boston, USA. Book of abstracts. pp52. DOI: 10.4172/2161-0487-C4-032

World Summit on Stress, Mindfulness and Philosophy. August 27-28, 2018 | Boston, USA.

miércoles, 23 de enero de 2019

Characteristic profile of forest fire risk from social perception: A study with Spanish population.

Jaime Senabre1,2
1Director of SINIF.
2 Research Group on Climate and Territorial Planning. University of Alicante. Spain.

Forest fires represent an evolutionary opportunity for some species and, at times, a tragedy for human societies. The devastating fires of 2017 in Portugal and 2018 in Greece are a clear example of this. Forest fires have been considered by many researchers as a Natural Hazard or Risk, something that makes us disagree, given that the human being has a predominant influence on the origin of most ignitions and, in the evolution and consequences thereof.
From an anthropogenic vision of the fires, we are convinced that not only must we work on prevention, self-protection and integral management of the territory, but also on proactive fire education programs.
For this reason, we present a characteristic profile of forest fire risk, developed from the study of the social perception of this threat with a population resident in Spain. There is no doubt that there are many factors that can affect the social perception of risks: cultural, sociological, situational, psychological, psychosocial and those related to the qualitative characteristics of the source of risk. All these factors are interrelated.
The evaluation of the qualitative characteristics of forest fire risk based on the study of social perception, will allow us to better understand the reasons for not acting proactively in the face of the threat of forest fire. Also, it can be useful when designing campaigns to raise awareness and prevent forest fires, in short, as a tool for education on environmental safety issues.

WC Climate Change 2018: Impacts & Responses
September 13-15, 2018 | Rome, Italy 

Citation: Senabre, J. (2018). Characteristic profile of forest fire risk from social perception: A study with Spanish population. WC Climate Change 2018: Impacts & Responses. Rome, Italy. Book of abstracts. pp45.